
Researchers have investigated many hypotheses about whether sanga cattle are more closely related to European Bos taurus cattle from Great Britain and Europe or to Asian Bos indicus cattle. Great progress in scientific research, especially in the field of molecular genetics has made the classification of sanga cattle as a Bos taurus incontrovertible. There are, however, small but important differences (biochemical amongst others) between Bos taurus cattle from Britain and Europe and southern African sangas such the Tuli. These differences are explained by scientists as having been caused by mutations and natural selection for greater adaptability to a tropical environment. It has been suggested that it would be more correct to classify sanga such as the Tuli as a subgroup, Bos taurus africanus.

Early Tuli history in Zimbabwe

Mr Len Harvey, a South African born agricultural advisor working for the Zimbabwean Government had previously noticed that among the Tswana type cattle, in the south western corner of Zimbabwe , there was a particular yellow type of sanga, consistently in good condition and seemingly better adapted to the environment. In 1945 ground was set aside for a cattle breeding program with the "revolutionary" aim to improve the indigenous cattle through a process of selection instead of crossbreeding. Originally the selection focus was on fertility and constitution of the cow as well as her calf with special attention given to feet and udders. Numbers had to be increased as quickly as possible but phenotype and weight per age was deemed to be of prime importance because improved meat production was the whole aim of the Tuli Project. In 1955 the Tuli was registered as an indigenous Rhodesian Breed. Although non performing animals were ruthlessly culled Tuli numbers on the Tuli Breeding Station reached 1000 in 1961.

In 1962 Len Harvey's important contribution to agriculture in Zimbabwe was acknowledged when an M.B.E. was awarded him by the Queen.

Tulis in South Africa

Towards the end of 1976 the first Tulis, a group of thirty pregnant females and three bulls, were imported into South Africa from the T.B.S in Zimbabwe. The first Tulis were introduced to the South African public at agricultural shows. Information days and prestige auctions were held and gradually the Tuli made its mark in South Africa too. The Tuli Cattle Breeders Society was officially formed on 24 March 1994.


The Tuli is eminently suited to extensive ranching systems. It has the unique ability to utilise even the worst quality grazing and still produce top quality meat. The amazing adaptability of the Tuli is self-evident if one considers their distribution. Tulis can be found flourishing in sandy, semi desert areas in Namibia, Botswana and the Northern Cape; in hot heartwater bushveld areas such as Zimbabwe, Limpopo Province and the Lowveld of Mpumalanga; in the high rainfall, sourveld of high altitude Mpumalanga and Natal where redwater and gallsickness is rife; in the Drakensberg Mountains where snow falls regularly; on the extensive savannah grassland of the Free State; in the arid Karoo with its unique scrub bush; in the cold, misty mountains as well as the coastal bush of the Eastern Cape. Today there are also Tulis in Australia, Canada, the USA, South America and in tropical Zambia.


The Tuli is indigenous to Southern Africa with hardiness and adaptability bred into it through a process of natural selection over a period of at least two thousand years. In recent times attributes of economic value have been the aim of scientific selection and have given us the modern Tuli. In female animals the accent has been on fertility, milk production and low calf mortality while in bulls it has been growth, feed conversion and carcass quality. Great care has always been taken not to compromise the natural hardiness and adaptability of the breed. The Tuli developed in relative isolation and has a unique genetic make-up which makes it particularly successful in cross breeding programs - not only is a high degree of hybrid vigour achieved but a large percentage of polled calves as well. Tuli steers and Tuli-cross calves finish faster off the veld than many other breeds.

Conformation of visual appearance as well as performance of the Tuli is monitored and enforced through the Tuli Breed Standards of Excellence.